Tiger Beat Down
Last night we had a Festival of Trees wrap up meeting at Linda's house and she cooked the best lasagna I think I've ever had! Yum. We talked a lot about improvements we need to make this year and also the things we did right. I'm very excited to get started on this process once again and hope that we can top our record once again this year! :-)
Matt & I don't have a whole lot planned this week; just hanging out and relaxing. I miss the warm weather we had last week and wish it would come back, but know that it probably won't for another few months. Boo on that.
Things have been pretty busy at work, what with W-2's being sent out, payroll, and catching up after New York. It made last week fly by and hopefully will do the same this week.
Nothing else new to report, I hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday.