Come Together Right Now

Alright, so the wisdom teeth thing? Not as bad as I thought. Except for the minor complication that doubled the time it should have taken to get my teeth taken out, but hey, who doesn't like to go back for a second attempt to get a tooth pulled? I LOVE tooth extractions. (*Insert PILE of sarcasm here*) On a good note, the recovery wasn't too terrible. Ironically, I've been hurting more these past couple of days than I did the days immediately following the surgery. But hopefully it will all subside soon and I can again start to look forward to another surgery on tooth #23 April 2nd.

Upcoming events:
March 15-19th: Don't forget to mail your Census in!
Today: St. Patty's Day
March 18th: KU vs. Lehigh, CBS 8:30pm
March 19th: New Counter-tops Installed
April 2nd: 2nd Extraction
April 4th: Easter Sunday
April 10th: 5K in Overland Park
April 15th: Taxes Due!
April 17th: MS Walk

Those are the only important events I can think of at the moment. This weekend will be a lot of cleanup from the counter-top installation, I'm sure. I'll post pictures as soon as I get everything looking non-disastrous.
That is all for the day. Over and Out.

RoCk ChAlK,


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