About Me

The name's Mallory.
^that's me.
no, not the baby.
I'm a blogger, picture-taker, and computer nerd extraordinaire. 

Here are 20 [not-so] interesting facts you might not know about me: 

1. I'm named after the character, Mallory, in the TV show Family Ties. My middle name is the first name of the person who played her in real life, Justine Bateman.

2. I don't eat steak, and not for political reasons. I just don't like it.
BBQ sauce isn't my favorite, either.
I don't really fit in in the Midwest..

3. I once fit a lazy boy in my car while in the process of moving to a different house. From then on it was deemed the "clown car."

4. I get car sick when I have to sit in the back seat.

5. I've ran in (1) half marathon, (1) 5k, and (4) 5-milers. All at the pace of a sloth.

6. The language I use in every day life would be considered R-rated in the movie business. But I try to tone it down around people who don't know me well enough to expect it.
I also want to put an emphasis on the word try.

7. My car hasn't been washed in the last 3 months. I'm sure the same will be true every time someone reads this.
Another fun fact about me? I don't care. Not even a little bit.

8. I enjoy going to the movie by myself. Eating out alone is just sad, though. I went to Red Lobster by myself for lunch once and I felt like a total loner.

9. When I think "10 years ago" I think 1990's, not 2000's.

10.  I sing loudly in the car. And damn, do I sound good.

11.  I hate sweating, unless it's on purpose [like at the gym]. Nothing irritates me more than trying to get ready while sweat is pooling on my forehead.

12. I've often considered riding my bike to work, but after further investigation I realized that would require me to get up earlier. That's just not going to happen.

13. Sometimes I hide when I see someone I know at the supermarket because
a) I look like hell, or
b) I just don't want to have that conversation.
Hey, what are you up to? 
*looks around at all the groceries*
Oh, nothin'. Just huntin' bears.

14. Sarcasm is my resource when there is an awkward silence, an inappropriate conversation between strangers, or a reply to an idiotic question.

15. I don't wear matching socks. If I do, it was a lucky day in the "find your socks in this giant pile" game.

16. On my wedding day, I was completely calm. This surprised everyone, but no one more than me.

17. I get offended when anyone talks bad about McDonald's, even if I know they're right.

18. I have a tendency to freak out in stressful situations and react completely irrationally.That's just a heads up if you happen to run into me on Black Friday or during the zombie apocalypse. Don't expect a friendly handshake.

19. I'm pretty sure I've seen every Mary-Kate & Ashley movie.

20. I enjoy long walks on the beach, playing the guitar, and meditating in my spare time.

I might have ran out of ideas on that last one..

for more boringness about me


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